The Finest Mulch Coloring System

Cheetah Coloring System

The Cheetah Coloring System is the finest mulch coloring system available.

This amazing system can produce from 50 to 250 cubic yards of custom colored mulch per hour. The Cheetah makes better, more efficient use of coloring agents, uses less water and produces a lighter finished product, all while requiring less energy to run than competing systems. The rotating trommel system is far less prone to jamming or damage than comparable available machinery.

Rapid high-volume production, combined with unit longevity and low operating costs means the highest return on investment for your company. If you produce colored mulch, the Cheetah Coloring System is the best mulch coloring system available.

Contact Us for more information about the Cheetah Coloring System or any of our other mulch coloring products.

Give us a call at 614-359-4249 or click here.